Mental Health First Response

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This course is for anyone wishing to become a Mental Health First Aider. Learners cover the fundamentals of promoting good mental health and how to recognise symptoms of poor mental health. The course gives a good overview on how to respond when a colleague, or anyone else, is in crisis. With clear advice and guidance, learners will become more confident in supporting someone experiencing mental health problems.

The course is broken down in to 2 bite-sized units with the following titles:

  • Taking Care of Your Mental Health
  • Mental Health First Response

On completion of this course learners will be able to:

  • Take practical steps to improve their mental health
  • Recognise early signs of deteriorating mental health
  • Describe constructive ways to open a conversation about wellbeing
  • Apply listening skills in conversation
  • Identify the difference between judgemental and non-judgemental behaviour
  • Describe common symptoms of poor mental health
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